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Past chair profiles
2022-23, Jacqueline Villalba, Harper Meyer LLP 201 S. Biscayne Blvd., Ste. 800 Miami, FL 33131 t: (305) 577-3443, jvillalba@harpermeyer.com
2021-22 James Meyer Harper Meyer LLP 201 S. Biscayne Blvd., Ste. 800 Miami, FL 33131 t: (305) 577-3443 jmeyer@harpermeyer.com
2020-21 Robert Becerra 201 S. Biscayne Blvd., Ste. 800 Miami, FL 33131-4329 t: (305) 375-0112 rbecerra@rjbecerralaw.com
2019-20 Clarissa Ane Rodriguez Reich Rodriguez P.A. 1801 N.E. 123rd St., Ste. 314 Miami, Florida 33181 t: 786-420-6142 clarissa@reichrodriguez.com
2018-19 Carlos F. Osorio Osorio Internacional, P.A. 175 S.W. 7 Street, Suite 1900 Miami, Florida 33130 t: 305-900-4103 cosorio@osorioint.com
2017-18 Arnoldo B. Lacayo Sequor Law 1001 Brickell Bay Drive, 9th Floor Miami, Florida 33131 t: 305-372-8282 alacayo@sequorlaw.com
2016-17 Alvin F. Lindsay Hogan Lovells 600 Brickell Avenue Suite 2700 Miami, Florida 33131 t: 305-459-6500 alvin.lindsay@hoganlovells.com
2015-16 Eduardo Palmer P.A. 255 Aragon Avenue Second Floor Coral Gables, Florida 33134 t: 305-476-1100; f: 305-476-1300 ep@epalmerlaw.com
2014-15 Peter A. Quinter GrayRobinson, P.A. 333 S.E. 2nd Avenue Suite 3200 Miami, Florida 33131 t: 305-416-6960 peter.quinter@gray-robinson.com
2013-14 Ryan Reetz Partner Bryan Cave LLP 200 S. Biscayne Blvd. Suite 400 Miami, Fl 33131 t: 786-322-7370 ryan.reetz@bryancave.com
2012-13 Richard C. Lorenzo Hogan Lovells US LLP 200 South Biscayne Blvd. Suite 400 Miami, FL 33131 USA t: 305 459 6500 f: 305 459 6550 richard.lorenzo@hoganlovells.com
2011-12 Nicolas Swerdloff Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP 201 South Biscayne Blvd. Suite 2500 Miami, FL 33131 t: 305-379-5571 f: 305-371-8759 swerdlof@hugheshubbard.com
2010-11 Ed Mullins Astigarraga Davis Mullins & Grossman, P.A. 701 Brickell Ave., 16th FL Miami, FL 33131 t: 305-372-8282 x.229 f: 305-372-8202 emullins@astidavis.com
2009-10 Francisco A. Corrales Silverberg & Weiss, P.A. 2665 Executive Park Dr., Ste. 2 Weston, FL 33331-3652 t: 954-384-0998 f: 954-384-5390 fcorrales@pkslegal.com www.pkslegal.com
2008-09 J. Brock McClane McClane Tessitore 215 E. Livingston Street Orlando, FL 32801 United States t: 407-872-0600 x101 f: 407-872-1227 t: 407-402-9935 jbm@mcclanepa.com
2007-08 Edward Harrison Davis, Jr. Astigarraga Davis Mullins & Grossman, P.A. 701 Brickell Ave., Ste. 1650 Miami, FL 33131-2847 p: 305-372-8282 f: 305-372-8202 edavis@astidavis.com
2006-07 Francesca Russo-Di Staulo Kluger Peretz Kaplan and Berlin Pl. 201 S. Biscayne Blvd. 17th Floor Miami, FL 33131-4325 p: 305-379-9000 f: 305-379-3428 fdistaulo@kpkb.com
2005-06 John Henry Rooney, Jr. Shutts & Bowen, LLP 201 S. Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33131-4332 t: 305-358-6300 f: 305-347-7883 jrooney@shutts-law.com
2004-05 Lucius Smejda Smejda & Associates, P.A. 150 S.E. 2nd Street, Suite 2222 B Miami, FL 33131 t: 305-358-9995 f: 305-358-9997 lex1usa@aol.com
2003-04 David S. Willig David S Willig Chartered 2837 SW 3rd Ave Miami, FL 33129-2316 t: 305-860-1881 f: 305-860-1882 InterLawLink@aol.com
2002-03 Laurence Douglas Gore Gore Bell & Goldberg, P.A. 2400 E. Commercial Blvd., Suite 709 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33308-4033 t: 954-493-7400 f: 954-493-7770 gorel@email.msn.com
2001-02 Jose A. Santos Concepcion, Rojas & Santos, LLP 220 Alhambra Circle Suite 350 Coral Gables, FL 33134-5174 t: 305-446-4000 f: 205-446-7764 tsantos@concepcionrojas.com
2000-01 Todd G. Kocourek 1242 N. Duval Street Tallahassee, FL 32303-6115 t: 850-222-5198 f: 850-222-7284 todd@attglobal.net
1999-00 Thomas L Raleigh III Akerman Senterfitt & Eidson PO Box 231 Orlando, FL 32802-0231 t: 407-843-7860 f: 407-843-6610 traleigh@akerman.com
1998-99 L. Jana Sigars Sandler Travis & Rosenberg 5200 Blue Lagoon Dr Suite 600 Miami, FL 33126-7002 t: 305-267-9200 f: 305-267-5155 jsigars@strtrade.com
1997-98 Edward Martin Joffe Sandler Travis Et Al 5200 Blue Lagoon Dr Suite 600 Miami, FL 33126-7002 t: 305-267-9200 f: 305-267-5155 ejoffe@strtrade.com
1996-97 Larry Scott Rifkin 1110 Brickell Ave Suite 210 Miami, FL 33131-3134 t: 305-371-2777 f: 305-375-9517 lsrifkin@bellsouth.net
1995-96 Russell E Carlisle 415 SE 12th St Ft Lauderdale FL 33316-1901 t: 954-764-4000 f: 954-525-9604 carlislere@aol.com
1994-95 George C J Moore 105 S Narcissus Ave Suite 812 W Palm Beach FL 33401-5530 t: 561-833-9000 f: 561-833-9990 barrister@veriomail.com
1993-94 Leonard Lee Rosenberg Sandler Travis & Rosenberg 5200 Blue Lagoon Dr Suite 600 Miami, FL 33126-7002 t: 305-267-9200 f: 305-267-5155 llr@strtrade.com
1992-93 William Hardy Hill, Jr 2106 Sawgrass Village Dr Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082-3043 t: 904-285-5576 f: 904-285-5577 Bhillpv@aol.com
1991-92 Andrew Joshua Markus Hughes Hubbard & Reed 201 S Biscayne Blvd, Floor 25 Miami, FL 33131-4325 t: 305-358-1666 f: 305-371-8759 markus@hugheshubbard.com
1990-91 Maureen O’Brien 6423 Collins Avenue, Apartment 604 Miami Beach, FL 33141-4640 t: 305-865-4800 f: 305-865-0049
1989-90 George Roderick Harper Steel Hector & Davis 200 S Biscayne Blvd Suite 4100 Miami, FL 33131-2310 t: 305-577-7010 f: 305-577-7001 gh1@steelhector.com
1988-89 Hugh Joseph Turner, Jr. English McCaughan & O’Bryan PO Box 14098 Ft Lauderdale FL 33302-4098 t: 954-462-3300 f: 954-763-2439 hturner@emolaw.com
1987-88 Gilbert Lee Sandler Sandler Travis Et Al 5200 Blue Lagoon Dr Suite 600 Miami, FL 33126-7002 t: 305-267-9200 f: 305-267-5155 lsandler@strtrade.com
1986-87 Clemente Luis Vazquez-Bello Gunster Yoakley Et Al 2 S Biscayne Blvd Suite 3400 Miami, FL 33131-1802 t: 305-376-6000 f: 407-566-1024
1985-86 Bruce Cordell Starling 1004 Lancaster Drive Orlando, FL 32806-2315 t: 407-566-1011 f: 407-566-1024
1984-85 Kenneth Franklin Claussen 4675 Ponce De Leon Blvd Suite 3 Coral Gables, FL 33146-2113 t: 305-666-5222
1983-84 Thomas George Travis Sandler Travis Et Al 5200 Blue Lagoon Dr Suite 600 Miami, FL 33126-7002 t: 305 267-9200 f: 305 267-5155 ttravis@strtrade.com
1982-83 Stephen Neal Zack Nations Bank Tower Suite 2800 100 SE 2nd St Miami, FL 33131-2101 t: 305 539-8400
1980 International Law Committee Chair Raul Valdes-Fauli
1978 International Law Committee Chair Alan Greer
1977 International Law Committee Chair Robert Hendry
1972-73 International Law Committee Chair Jack Bierly
1967-68 International Law Committee Chair Burt Landy