The editors of the International Law Quarterly are soliciting articles for the Fall 2021 edition, which will focus on Legal Globalization. Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
• global anticorruption efforts,
• international judgment recognition,
• environmental issues, such as global trading in carbon credits,
• international security issues,
• treaties and public international law,
• treatment of refugees,
• and more!
PLEASE NOTE, timely articles not specifically dealing with Legal Globalization will be considered for inclusion in this edition.
Please submit a short Statement of Interest in writing an article on a specific topic to the ILQ Editors at EditorsILQ@gmail.com Opens in a new window by Wednesday, July 21, 2021.
The Fall edition of the ILQ will be distributed at and in connection with the annual ILS Retreat. Final drafts will ve due from the authors by Friday, August 20, 2021.
If you have any questions, please fell free to reach out to EditorsILQ@gmail.com Opens in a new window or to one of the editors directly: Ana Barton, Neha Dagley, Jeff Hagen, or Laura Reich.